viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2019

Donostia - San Sebastián Recibe el Premio de Europa 2019

More horseshit:
Donostia / San Sebastián recibe el Premio de Europa 2019
-El alcalde Eneko Goia ha recogido el premio y ha subrayado que "Donostia es una ciudad que vive y siente Europa, y el premio un impulso para seguir realizando nuestro compromiso con los valores que representan el proyecto europeo"
El alcalde de Donostia / San Sebastián, Eneko Goia, ha recibido el Premio de Europa de la mano del Vicepresidente del Subcomité del Premio de Europa, D. Kestutis Masiulis y de Joseph O’Reilly, Vicepresidente de la Asamblea Parlamentaria y miembro del Subcomité del Premio de Europa, en un acto celebrado en el salón de plenos del Ayuntamiento.

Previamente al acto de entrega, una tamborrada compuesta por representantes de distintas tamborradas de la ciudad, tanto infantiles como de adultos, ha recorrido las calles del Centro y la Parte Vieja, y ha recibido en Alderdi Eder a la delegación de la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa interpretado la marcha de San Sebastián y el himno de Europa.

La Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa ha otorgado este premio a la ciudad de Donostia / San Sebastián por su contribución en la difusión de los valores de la construcción europea y los ideales de pluralismo, democracia parlamentaria y defensa de los derechos humanos. El alcalde de Donostia / San Sebastián, Eneko Goia, ha agradecido el premio y ha señalado que "Donostia es una ciudad que vive y siente Europa".

En este sentido, Goia ha destacado que "los valores sobre los que se asienta Europa deben ser los que nos guíen frente a las amenazas que se ciernen sobre su futuro. Y esa guía no es otra que la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, que está en la base de toda la arquitectura institucional, jurídica y social de la Unión Europea".

Del mismo modo, el alcalde de Donostia / San Sebastián ha recordado que "hace tres años la ciudad fue Capital Europea de la Cultura, con un proyecto con el que quisimos decir a todo el mundo que apostábamos por la cultura como elemento de cohesión social". Así, Eneko Goia ha refrendado "una apuesta y un mensaje, Cultura para la Convivencia, que hoy son tan válidos o más que entonces".

Para finalizar, Goia ha asegurado que "el Premio de Europa es un aliciente y un impulso para seguir realizando, desde este pequeño rincón de Europa, nuestro compromiso con los valores que representan el proyecto europeo".

Publicada el 20/09/2019
Award Ceremony of the Europe Prize in Donostia / San Sebastián
Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development

A delegation of representatives of the PACE will go to Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain), the winner of the Europe Prize for 2019, on Thursday, 19 September 2019.

Kestutis Masiulis (Lithuania, EPP/CD), Vice-Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on the Europe Prize, will present the Prize to Eneko Goia, Mayor of Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain).

This city is the administrative capital of Gipuzkoa, one of the three territories that make up the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country in Spain. Located 30 km from the French border in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, it constitutes an important social, economic and tourist development pole in the south-east of Europe. The city has celebrated Europe Day since 1999 and organises many youth exchange activities in schools and with schools from other European cities.

The delegation will also meet a group of students of the city in the framework of a meeting and a debate on Europe.

This annual prize honours towns and cities for their active promotion of the European ideal, such as twinnings, European events and exchange visits. It consists of an itinerant trophy, a medal, a diploma and a scholarship to finance a study visit within Europe for young people from the winning town.
Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain), city awarded the 2019 Europe Prize

The 2019 Europe Prize – the highest level of the Prize which is awarded each year by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to the town most active in promoting the European ideal – has been awarded to Donostia / San Sebastián in Spain.

Donostia / San Sebastián is the administrative capital of Gipuzkoa, one of the three territories that make up the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country in Spain. Located 30 km from the French border in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, it constitutes an important social, economic and tourist development pole in the south-east of Europe. The city has two official languages, Basque and Spanish.

The city has celebrated Europe Day since 1999. San Sebastián is twinned with six towns, and is working towards further twinnings. In 2016, the city created a Twinning Committee.

Through its Department of Education and Social Promotion, the city organises many youth exchange activities in schools and with schools from other European cities. Exchange programmes also take place through Erasmus.

Solidarity is also a strength of Donostia / San Sebastián: for example, the Municipal School of Music and Dance collected musical instruments for schools in Syria and organised a charity concert for Guatemala in 2017.

The city holds a wide range of long-established and internationally prestigious festivals such as the International Festival of Cinema, the International Jazz festival or Human Rights Film Festival. Donostia / San Sebastián has always been a very dynamic city in terms of culture and became the "European Capital of Culture" in 2016, together with the Polish city of Wroclaw.

Five other towns, namely Bamberg in Germany, Boleslawiec in Poland, Issy-les-Moulineaux in France, Izmir in Turkey and Münster in Germany were also shortlisted for the Prize, and the committee commended their applications.

The committee also awarded 7 Plaques of Honour, 7 Flags of Honour and 8 European Diplomas – awards which also form part of the Europe Prize. For a complete list, click here (
So, they lick their asses each others.

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